Soul care is self-care: Pride edition

The month of June is filled with (hopefully) the summer sun and the buzz of the beginning of UK pride month. So, what better time to start indulging in some soul care than right now! To get you started, we’ve compiled a hit-list of 10 top soul care remedies for the ultimate out-and-proud feeling that everyone should enjoy this summer.
Okay, this first one is not is obvious as it seems. For some, taking pride in who they are as a person can be a real struggle. Sometimes its important to let go of your inhibitions and let the real you shine through. Easier said than done. But remember this, there are billions of people on the earth, but there will only ever be one you. So why follow the crowd when you can stand out and be PROUD.
Laughter really is the best medicine. There are many benefits to just laughing, both long and short term. For instance, laughing uses approximately 15 muscles in your face, stimulating them all simultaneously. Longer effects take the form of a healthier, more robust immune system. Negative thoughts can translate into chemicals in your body which in turn cause a build up of stress. By laughing, you are releasing good hormones into your body to make for a healthier, brighter well-being.
Our days can become busy and stressful as we race around to just… well, live. But its vitally important that we find a way to release trapped energy in a positive and reflective way. This could be anything, it really depends on who you are as a person and what works for your own mental health, just as long as you’re releasing any trapped energy that you hold within.
As a polar opposite to the above point, it’s also important to have some quiet, still time. Life is all about balance, and whilst releasing energy is important, its also imperative that we have some self-reflection time. To simply just be quiet and reflect on our own thoughts and feelings. This can help make resolutions to certain situations or problems become more clear.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, self-care is the act of doing. And whilst this is vitally important for a healthy lifestyle, its important that whilst indulging yourself in some R&R- a fancy meal or even just a drink with some friends- that you’re also taking account of how its making you feel. Happy. Calm. Excited. Positive. All valid feelings, all making for a healthier mind and soul.
Never stop dreaming. No, not a line from a Disney film, but instead a more important life lesson that we should all try to remember. Whether it be big or small, having a dream or a certain aspiration in mind will help you discover a new sense of ambition and positivity. Keep striving for your goal and the result will find its way to you.
The doctors are right! Exercise really can be a lifeline for some good soul care. By not only helping keep your blood circulating and your muscles moving, exercising is also helping to clear your head of any negative thoughts, by not letting them build up to unhealthy, negative levels.
Much like the above point, what you eat can also have a big impact on how you feel about yourself and about your overall well-being.
Eating a well-rounded, healthy and balanced diet or ‘eating the rainbow’ will help you to feel good about yourself. Many green veg and colourful fruits have certain endorphins that can help you maintain a positive mindset. Pineapple, bananas, kiwi and plums all contain high amounts of serotonin, giving us a natural mood boost.
Forgiveness is as much about letting go as it is about moving forward. In order to stay on the right track, its important to forgive yourself and others for any past insecurities or issues, and move forward. This can help clear your mind of the negative and make room for the positive emotions that will come your way.
Onwards and upwards.
The most important point of all. Simply just be.
Your very existence can be rewarding and positive. By enjoying the things you do daily, and making time for the important people or items in your life can have a positive impact on your soul and mental well-being.
This months Beauty Box theme is all about ‘Elements’ and how we can live a more eco-friendly and conscious existence. So why not take 5 and sit down with yourself for some much needed soul care. Helping yourself is just as important as helping the world in which we live in. So never feel shame or insecurity about taking some time out for yourself. Take pride in who you are and what you do, and most importantly, be happy doing it.
“Choose to be happy, that is the only way to find happiness”

As the Beauty Editor for LOOKFANTASTIC Beauty Box I’m always hunting for a good beauty story, I like to remain ahead of the trends. But aside from this, I’m a keen reader and writer in my spare time. You’ll find me with my head in a good book most of the time- Beauty & Fashion related or otherwise! You’ll often find me obsessing over the latest tropical-scented body oil or lathering on the coconut moisturiser. As you may have already guessed, I have a natural affinity for all things tropical. Beauty and grooming for me is escapism, a little slice of heaven away from the day-to-day.