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Get Fit For National Bikini Day

Clean Eating Alice, author of the book, "The Body Bible" is here to share her favourite summer recipe and fitness tips to help you get bikini body ready so you can feel your most confident. To celebrate National Bikini Day, she has put together some exclusive exercises and a gorgeous recipe to get you glowing, gorgeous and fit!

National Bikini Day Exercises with Clean Eating Alice

National Bikini Day with Clean Eating Alice

Squat Jumps

Start with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Keeping your chest up, slowly squat down as if you were going to sit on a chair, with your back remaining in a straight line and the knees not rolling in or out. Once you reach the bottom of your squat, use your arms to drive you up into a jump, and then repeat, going straight back down into a squat again.

Walking Lunges

Step one foot forward into a lunge, ensuring your knees don’t roll in or out. Try and aim for as deep a lunge as possible without your knee hitting the ground, and then drive up to bring the back foot to join the front. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Plank Jack Knifes

Assume your plank position with arms extended directly below the shoulder and feet outstretched so you create a completely flat line. Try not to dip through the pelvis or round the upper back (imagining you are quite literally a straight plank). Once sturdy in this position, jump both feet in towards your chest feeling a squeeze through the abs and then jump them out to your original plank position and repeat.

National Bikini Day Recipe

Follow this easy guide to a delicious and nutritious recipe to get glowing for summer.

Clean Eating Alice recipe 780 x 400

Ingredients: 1 ripe Banana, 100g Raspberries, 250ml Almond Milk, 1 scoop Salted Caramel Whey Protein, 1tsp Coconut Almond Butter, 1tsp Cinnamon.

Method: Blend all ingredients together and enjoy!

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