4.33 stars out of a maximum of 5
RRP: £34.00Current price: £27.20
4.5 stars out of a maximum of 5
RRP: £36.00Current price: £28.80
3.63 stars out of a maximum of 5
RRP: £42.00Current price: £33.60
4.43 stars out of a maximum of 5
RRP: £43.00Current price: £34.40

About the brand
Rahua is on a mission to honour the beauty of people and planet by protecting the Amazon Rainforest for the future of our world. At the heart of each plant-powered hair and body care product is Rahua oil, a pure and wild Rainforest grown ingredient handmade from the rare Rahua seed through ceremonial ancient processes that delivers superior results and healthy, lustrous hair. By purchasing one bottle of Rahua, one acre of the Amazon Rainforest will be preserved annually. Creating oxygen, whilst offsetting CO2 emissions that is vital to living a life towards the reversal of climate change. Choosing Rahua for your hair care and beauty routine is literally breathing easier, knowing that the air, and your hair are being saved.