£0 to pay today
Nothing to pay at checkout, your purchase will be added to your account. Then simply choose the instalment plan that suits you best in the App.

Choose pay in 3 for interest free
Break your purchases into 3 instalments, over 3 months, interest free.

Pick a plan to suit you
We'll assign new purchases to the plan with the lowest monthly payment. You can choose to pay in full or pick a 3 month plan interest free.

Earn points every time you shop
Get 1 point for every £1 you spend* and look out for exclusive points offers. Turn your points into rewards and treat yourself to something special...on us (selected retailers only).

Using Frasers Plus couldn't be easier

Add items to your bag and head to the checkout

Check your eligibility...risk-free...it wont affect your credit score

Download the Frasers Plus app and sign your terms and conditions

Start spreading the cost with Frasers Plus...
What is Frasers Plus?
Frasers Plus is a credit product where you are able to use your credit limit to purchase goods and pay in three different ways:
1.By choosing to pay in full at the end of the monthly billing period (interest free). If you want to pay over a longer instalment plan period, you can replan your purchase in the Frasers Plus app.
2.By spreading the payment across up to 3 monthly interest free instalments, or
3.By spreading the payment across 6-36 months. Instalment plans of 6 months or longer are interest bearing.
If you do not choose a plan for your purchase, we will put it on the longest available plan that ensures a minimum monthly payment of £2.
Representative APR: 29.9% (variable).
Illustrative Example of repaying a £500 purchase over a 12 month instalment plan:
Cash price of purchase: £500
Total amount of credit: £500
Rate of interest: 29.9% (variable)
Representative APR: 29.9% (variable)
Number of payments: 12 monthly payments of £47.53
Cost of credit: £70.36
Total amount payable: £570.36
How do I know if I’m eligible to apply?
To apply for a Frasers Plus account you must be aged over 18, be a UK resident and have an income of over £7,500 per year.
How do I pay in instalments?
Every time you make a purchase, simply select an instalment plan in the Frasers Plus app. You’ll receive a reminder notification each time you shop.
You’ll be able to choose from these instalment plan options:
• Pay in full in the month after the purchase with no interest
• Pay in equal amounts over 3 months with no interest
• Pay in equal amounts over 6, 12, 24 or 36 months with interest
If you do not choose a plan for your purchase, we will put it on the longest available plan that ensures a minimum monthly payment of £2.
Need to change an instalment plan? No problem. With Frasers Plus you’re always in control of your spending, so you can change an instalment plan for any purchase to suit your budget. Find the purchase you want to change, give it a tap, move the slider to the left to reduce the instalment term or to the right to spread the cost for longer. The app will show you the new monthly instalment amount including interest. Then simply select your choice.
Can't select the transaction?
If you're a Direct Debit customer and we're ready for your payment, you won't be able to replan until your bill is paid (or your payment fails if you don't have enough funds to cover the bill). Your bill is ready for payment on or around the 1st of the month, depending on weekends and bank holidays. You can check this date any time in the app on the first page. If you're not a Direct Debit customer, drop us a message at customersupport@frasers.plus with a screenshot and we'll take a look!