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Aveda Bestsellers


AVEDA salons offer naturally derived, customisable & 100% vegan hair colour for radiant shine. Book your appointment here!


The Aveda brand wasn’t formed until 1978, but its origins predate this. Back in 1963, a drunk driving accident grounded founder Horst Rechelbacher in Minneapolis, Minnesota while he was touring America for a styling competition. Already a famous and renowned stylist in his native Austria, and Italy where he catered to the needs of celebrities, Horst decided to stay in Minnesota to open up a chain of Horst & Friends salons.

In the latter half of the decade, Horst started to suffer from serious burnout. His passion for hair was slowly but surely nurtured back to life through his mother’s herbal remedies and organic retreats to India in 1970, where he started to gain a deeper appreciation for the world around him.

Aveda was inspired by everything that Horst had seen in India and had learnt from his mother. His ethos changed and he focused on celebrating hair through holistic beauty solutions – becoming one of the first brands to do so. Horst believes that we can only access our inner beauty through the beauty in the world around us. His cult classics like the Rosemary Mint Purifying Shampoo use pure and organic ingredients for healthy hair solutions.

At LOOKFANTASTIC, we’re official UK stockists of Aveda.